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    On Eagle's Wings Sheet Music

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    The sheet music you have requested is finally here. Now you can play the title selection from Steve's most popular collection on your own piano. This beautiful piece is especially arranged by Steve, so that you can experience the hands-on joy of performing it. Lyrics are included, too. This piece is sure to become a favorite in your repertoire, just as it is in your CD collection.


    "I was astounded when I first heard Steve Halls’ album ON Eagle’s Wings as I strolled through a nursery in Boise, Idaho. I heard so many songs of my present and past and was so surpised that he knew the same ones that I grew up with. Now since then I have acquired nearly all of his recordings. I am so grateful for these collections and this shared talent which is played from the heart. it! "
    Tressie P., Rock Springs, Wyoming

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