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    In This Very Room Sheet Music

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    "In this very room there's quite enough love for one like me." These intensely spiritual and personal lyrics are only part of the reason that this is one of Steve Hall's most requested and popular songs; that and the equally beautiful tune that it is set to. You will enjoy playing for yourself this special arrangement by Steve Hall. And may it bring you every bit of the joy that the very talented Ron Harris hoped to convey when he penned this wonderful piece.


    "I am being blessed as I listen to your wonderful music! You have been gifted by our Lord with a beautiful “touch” and the ability to convey deep feeling for the music you play. I have wanted to write to you for some time, but the “busy-ness” of life got in the way. Today, I felt led to stop what I was doing and write this letter to encourage you in your piano/recording career. Thank you for blessing me with such lovely arrangements of the music that praises the Lord. "
    Jeanne H., Hendersonville, North Carolina

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