All Things Bright and Beautiful - The DVD

This DVD is a celebration of God's bounteous gifts to us. They come in many different forms. Creativity, a unique gift in itself, is the energy and glue used to materialize this DVD. The videographer uses as his instrument the camera, the musicians use their musical instruments, and you, the viewers, use a TV screen, your eyes and ears, memories and dreams. We hope you feel the celebration in your hearts of these sounds and scenes...His gifts to the world!
Visions of Christmas
Steve Hall's DVD.... "All Things Bright and Beautiful"
All Things Bright and Beautiful
Song Titles:
*Faith of our Fathers/I Need Thee Every Hour
*All Creatures of Our God and King/Alleluia, Hearts To Heaven
*Peace of Mind (an original composition by Steve Hall & Dave Patt)
*Sleepers Awake (Bach)
Morning Has Broken
Shall We Gather at the River/Deep River
Mozart's Alleluia
In the Garden/Trees
Dona Nobis Pacem/Sent Forth by God's Blessings
Simple Gifts
All Things Bright and Beautiful/For the Beauty of the Earth
The Celestial Fountain
Be Thou My Vision/Brother James Aire
Angels in Flight (an Original composition by Steve Hall & David Patt)
Amazing Grace
*The Lord's Prayer